Marta Gayoso


 Architect and researcher at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. MSc in gender studies. Her work linked to energy poverty started in 2019, as a researcher within the project FEMENMAD (Feminization of energy poverty in the city of Madrid). Currently, she continues her work as researcher collaborating with two European projects, UIA-EPIU (Energy poverty Intelligence Unit) and H-2020 COOLTORISE (Raising summer energy poverty awareness to reduce cooling needs). She is developing her PhD research focused on energy poverty and qualitative research methods. Author of 1 JCR Q1, 1 JCR Q2 she has participated in 4 international conferences. She has collaborated as an expert for EPAH Technical Assistance. She develops social climatic cartographies, granted by FPRN-EPEC 2022. Since 2017, she has facilitated workshops to implement a feminist perspective into urbanism and urban planning and recently she studied Group Facilitation to promote eco-social transformations and innovative processes.